Where you always have a seat at the table…


The Thompsons Kitchen is a full-service catering company based in Nashville. Founded in 2010, this duo took their love for food from professional to personal by prioritizing relationship through their service.

Throughout the rebranding process, our focus was on family, togetherness, and the fusion of global flavor with southern roots. If this refreshed brand could tell you anything, it would say that you always have a seat at the table.


Brand design seasoned with surprise and delight!

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Home is much more than numbers on a mailbox. Feeling at home comes from things like the art on the walls, the dinner table that fits the entire family, and the sun casting light through the windows at a certain time of day. A brand is no different. It needs extra reminders to feel like home. These brand elements continue to tell the story of togetherness in small and surprising ways.

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Realizing your brand needs to be spiced up?

Let us work our magic.

Are you hungry yet?


During our design process, we have long term strategies on the mind. A brand’s credibility is proven overtime through a variety of touch points. Our design thinks forward for our clients. No matter the application, the design can shine.

For The Thompsons Kitchen brand refresh, we focused on creating logo variety for use in big spaces, small places, and all the in-betweens. No matter how you interact with this brand, you should be reminded that your presence is always welcome.


“There aren't enough good things to say about this company and this team. The people at Terra Firma have taken our vision for branding and exceeded our expectations in every way imaginable, not only with the final product, but with how they walked us through the process as well.”

Our custom process leads to your solution.

The Thompsons came to us needing more time. More time to focus on their business and less time explaining their offerings over the phone. We intentionally designed their new site to empower their customers to see, know, and imagine what menu options could be possible for their event. The in-depth forms helped The Thompsons better manage their leads, putting time back where they want it most - in the kitchen.


Wait, there’s more?!

Take a look for yourself! The Thompsons Kitchen brand new website is out in the real world.



The Atlantic Festival

